Evaluating Inconsistent Service

Are You Experiencing Roller Coaster Service? Are you or have you been a victim of a roller coaster service by your commercial cleaning service provider? First, let’s explore what that means, although you’ve probably made a good guess by now. It refers to what a roller coaster ride is like — sometimes fast and sometimes […]

Is Your Facility Prepared for Fall?

You should be able to rely on your professional janitorial company. But, too many times, they will let you down when services don’t adjust throughout the year. With the changing seasons come entirely different needs for cleaning and maintaining your business. Any professional janitorial company should know this and communicate the needs of every season. […]

Dealing with Multiple Vendors?

Are You Tired of Dealing with Multiple Vendors for Cleaning & Building Maintenance? Cleaning and janitorial services should be covered by one company; if they’re not, you could end up paying way more than you need to. The Pit-Falls Of Hiring Multiple Vendors Schedules & Multiple Vendors Do the carpet cleaners come on Monday or […]