Commercial Cleaning FAQs

Many commercial organizations, factories, and warehouses have wisely chosen to outsource their janitorial services needs to a professional cleaning company. This frees up the workers to do their work in a safe and clean environment.
Cleanliness is essential to the smooth running of a facility and will contribute to the safety and productivity of the facility’s staff. While some people are well-versed in outsourcing, others are still fairly new to it or still considering it. As a result, many people have a few questions.
We have collected the most relevant ones together to help guide you if you are looking at getting a cleaning services company to handle the janitorial and upkeep of your facility. Even if you are already using a professional cleaning company, this guide can provide you with insights you may not have been aware of.
What is commercial cleaning?
Commercial cleaning is a general term that refers to the services offered by a number of commercial janitorial cleaning companies. Some offer an all-around service while others specialize in specific industries or fields. Some include, among others, campus cleaning, office cleaning, auto dealerships, medical offices, food-production facilities, restaurants, and hospitals.
What are the advantages of outsourcing my janitorial services?
There are several advantages to outsourcing this aspect of your business. These include:
HR Responsibilities
The tasks involved with HR tend to waste time and expenses through recruiting, insurance and payroll, vacation and sick days, and overall management of dealing with your internal cleaning staff. By choosing to outsource, things like paid leave, bonuses, recruitment, and other HR-related issues are a thing of the past.
When outsourcing your cleaning, you the customer will benefit from the company’s training. Your average janitor will reuse the same cloth rags or sponges instead of changing them out. Using the wrong procedures and products can reduce cleaning’s effectiveness or even cause more harm than good.
The quality of training is one of the aspects that separates the good cleaning and janitorial services from the bad. A professional company spends a lot of time and money ensuring its staff is trained to the highest standards. It would be difficult to replicate this quality of training for your internal staff.
Another aspect that is impossible to replicate with an internal crew is experience. Because of this experience, high-quality cleaning companies understand that janitorial services are never a one size fits all. They will help uncover opportunities for more efficient cleaning that saves you money without throwing effective maintenance out the window.
Buying Power
Well-established cleaning companies have relationships with suppliers that allow them to streamline the supply-buying process. When outsourced, this is also one less time-consuming task for your staff to manage.
Specialized Equipment
Similarly to buying power, professional cleaning companies are likely to invest in cleaning equipment that wouldn’t make sense for your company to purchase for the office. Not to mention, the expensive and time-consuming job of maintaining the equipment is off your shoulders. With advanced technology, the process becomes faster and more efficient.
What does commercial cleaning cost?
It’s important to note that it’s impossible to accurately quote your cleaning costs over a phone call. If you choose to go with a company that willingly gives you a quote over the phone, you should be aware of the consequences.
A professional cleaning company will come and visit you at the factory and do a walk-through. Quotes are not given over the phone because the company will know the value of a formal walkthrough of your facility. The walkthrough allows for an accurate quote and avoids the headaches associated with constantly going back and forth regarding the cleaning expectations.
Will an external team of cleaners get in the way of the staff on the floor?
Not at all. Any decent commercial janitorial cleaning company will understand the working flow of the facility and, with input from the customer, develop a plan that will get the job done without any disruptions. In a facility that requires cleaning assistance throughout work hours, a knowledgeable cleaning company will suggest a hybrid janitorial approach of both day porters and an overnight cleaning crew. The night crew does most of the heavy lifting after hours and a day porter staff is more flexible and caters to the employee experience. The teams are flexible and experienced in working in these environments. This gives them the ability to do what is needed without getting in the way.
By now, you should understand the benefits of choosing to outsource your cleaning services vs taking responsibility for the cleaning yourself. If you still have any questions or want any more information on any aspect of the points above, call iNX. We have a dedicated team of experienced experts who can answer all your cleaning-related questions. Call 1(888) TEAM-INX TODAY!
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