Embarrassing Dirty Business?

iNX's day porter cleaning services tackle daily cleanliness challenges. We enhance safety, maintain aesthetics, and save you time and money.

Are you Embarrassed by the Decline in Cleanliness Throughout Work Hours?

As the end of the day approaches, the bathroom becomes depleted of toilet paper, and, then, paper towels. And, now, the soap has run out. Customers and employees alike are consistently calling the front desk to report a shortage or mess that needs to be taken care of. The restroom might be the most used room in your building, and being out of any necessary supplies has to be dealt with immediately.

The entrance way trash can is overflowing and making the first impression of your company a very smelly one. The low sun is heating up and making the smell even worse. And, anyone who passes by gets the wrong impression about your business. Who do you send to take out the trash before the day has even ended? Day porter cleaning services will supply you with someone who is happy and willing to tackle those issues that you don’t have time for at the end of the day.

Slips and falls are more common at the end of the day when your employees and customers just want to head home. They ignore spills that need to be cleaned up or clutter on the floor to be picked up “tomorrow.” Day porter cleaning services are invaluable in these issues. Day porters never walk past a mess that doubles as a hazard and are on the job to make sure your business area is clean and safe for both employees and customers.

The dusty boots that came through 10 minutes before closing, the grimy fingerprints on the windows and doors, and the junk that accumulates all day can’t wait until the morning. But, who ends up picking up the extra work? That’s where day porter cleaning services come in.

At iNX, we know what you need!

If you struggle with any of the above, we’ll quickly identify that your solution is to hire a day porter that handles the cleanliness throughout the day! A day porter is your first defense against a poorly maintained, cluttered, and messy building. Our day porter cleaning service offers so much more than just cleaning. Its flexibility is one strength. The staff is trained and happy to do a variety of jobs for you including, but not limited to:

  • -Cleaning counters, walls, and other surfaces
  • -Escalators, blinds, and other tricky surfaces
  • -Computers, keyboards, and other technology
  • -Restocking restroom supplies
  • -Restocking kitchens and breakrooms
  • -Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping floors
  • -Sanitizing as needed
  • -Dusting
  • -Washing windows
  • -Emptying trash cans
  • -General tidying up
  • -Minor maintenance tasks, such as touching up paint
  • -Responding to spills, broken glass, and other issues
  • -Interior and exterior pressure washing
  • -Parking lot and sidewalk sweeping and cleaning


Other than the variety of jobs that our highly trained day porter cleaning service offers, the day porters are also responsive and on-demand to the needs of your company. Our day porters are trained to clean and maintain business offices, warehouses, medical offices, multi-tenant residential buildings, and commercial buildings.

We also understand that company culture is important and needs to be recognized by the type of person who is performing in that environment. That is why we guarantee our day porters are polite, efficient, groomed, and in uniform to give your company the most professional appearance possible. When we meet to discuss day porter cleaning services with clients, we make sure everything is covered from the frequency needs to the amount of help needed.

Rest Easy with iNX

Your bathrooms will only overflow with compliments from customers on cleanliness and there will be no more grumpy employees from a lack of supplies. Bathrooms will be checked and stocked by your day porter cleaning service and will also take care of all maintenance needing immediate attention. There won’t be a bad impression from unseemly messes on the bathroom floor or from customers who don’t have any paper towels to dry their hands on.

Your trash cans will no longer overflow into your walkway and be an eyesore for everyone passing by or entering your business. Day porter cleaning services take the trash out and clean up any accidental spills or messes around or on the trash cans. And, the best part is, your lobby won’t smell like a day-old trash can anymore.

A business’ nightmare is to have an injury claim from a customer who slipped or fell on its property. That can add up to tons of money. A day porter can give you some peace of mind in knowing that bathrooms and eating areas can be taken care of by making sure messes or spills are cleaned up promptly. That means hiring a day porter can result in less chance of liability or injury expenses just from cleaning.

Dusty boot prints are swept up immediately and sticky fingerprints decorating your windows and doors are wiped up before the next customer comes in. Clutter and junk that has been left by customers and employees on your floors, counters, desks, chairs, and in the kitchen are promptly disposed of and any messes or spills are cleaned up and disinfected promptly. Plus, all this is done without daily maintenance requests from you.

Closing Thoughts

Day porter cleaning services can end up saving you a lot of time and money in the long run, while giving you a stress-free, mess-free, and clutter-free workplace.

PS: If you’re tired of the embarrassment of overflowing trash areas, sticky fingerprints, and out-of-stock bathrooms in your business, call Team iNX and schedule your free consultation today!


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Team iNX
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