Boost Productivity With a Clean Office

A clean, hygienic and tidy office space is essential to the well-being and health of all who interact within it. The efficiency, productivity, and morale of the staff are all affected by the levels of cleanliness in the business. Having an experienced office janitorial services company attend to the daily cleaning needs will create a lasting impression on the staff, as well as any clients or visitors. If the office is dirty and cluttered, it will have a negative impact on the staff and clients. Studies have shown there is a direct link between the cleanliness of the workspace and the health and productivity of the workforce.

What is the Importance of Cleanliness in the Workplace?

  • Staff Illness – Unsanitary conditions in the workplace can cause workers to fall ill more often. Viruses, such as the common cold and flu, live on all surfaces in the workplace, such as computer keyboards, telephones, desk, chairs, etc. Without regular cleaning and sanitation, the viruses the employees bring to the workplace can thrive, and pass them onto others. A high-quality office janitorial services company will employ various techniques and eco-friendly chemicals to clean and sanitize all surfaces, thus reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses, which could lead to sick days. A professional cleaning company will actually save costs in the long run.
  • A Stressful Environment – Cluttered, messy, and dirty workspaces can leave employees feeling stressed. When this happens, productivity is reduced. Deadlines are missed, paperwork gets lost and/or important tasks are forgotten. Employees will get tired of digging around in cluttered messy areas looking for vital information important to their specific tasks, and they are left discouraged and despondent. Utilizing your janitorial services company to clean all work areas on a regular basis will help encourage employees to be productive and they will give their best every day.
  • Disorganization -With desks cluttered with paperwork and stacks of files on the floor, a loss of productivity is inevitable. This disorganization could lead to employee confusion and essential projects being overlooked. With the assistance of the office janitorial services, these areas can be kept neat and tidy. Files and paperwork will be kept in the proper filing cabinets or recycled if not needed.
  • Staff Turnover – Working in a messy workplace or office can have a serious effect on staff morale, and could lead to increased turnover in employees as a result. Having to train and supervise new employees takes valuable time away from an established staff routine and can have severe financial repercussions over time. Employing the services of a professional janitorial company will go a long way in guaranteeing staff satisfaction and employee retention.
  • Office Equipment – Often overlooked and dirty office equipment can pose a serious fire risk because of short circuits or overheating. With the large amounts of paperwork and other flammable items in close proximity to each other, it is essential that all office equipment be kept clean and dust-free to eliminate the risk of a fire starting. Regular cleaning and servicing of office equipment will have an effect on their durability over the long term and will save the business money. Although your janitorial services company is not responsible for the maintenance of the equipment, it can assist by keeping them clean and dusted.
  • Morale of the Staff – A clean, tidy, and sanitized office space will have a significant effect on staff morale levels. Dusty and dirty offices with sticky keyboards and unsanitary restrooms contribute heavily to low office morale and may lead to staff turnover because of unsanitary conditions. Cluttered office spaces could also pose a hazard to staff members because they may trip or fall over the clutter, thus injuring themselves. Clutter and mess are often paired with laziness, and, as the office manager, you may be encouraging this trend with the employees. The connection between cleanliness and the employee’s performance cannot be discounted. Keep all work areas and surfaces clean, organized, and healthy. The benefits to employee satisfaction and a great work ethic will increase tenfold.
  • Business Perception – The condition your offices are in will affect how your business is perceived. Clean and tidy offices show that the business owner or management care about the image the business projects. A clean and healthy working office space will, in turn, have an impact on how the staff perceives the business. If the office space is dirty and cluttered, staff members may feel that they work for a business with low standards, and this may affect the quality of work they will produce. Utilizing your janitorial services to help maintain a high standard of cleanliness and tidiness will make clients and staff feel secure knowing they are dealing with an efficient and motivated team.

The Best Way to Keep Your Office Clean is with a Professional Commercial Cleaning Company

Employing the services of a professional cleaning company will ensure your office space and working environment is thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and healthy for all employees, thus minimizing the risk of illness. Healthy employees are more productive and your business will run more efficiently and be more profitable. Call iNX today and speak to one of our experienced representatives to set up an appointment to discuss your cleaning and sanitizing needs. (323) 765-3668

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