Prioritizing Student Safety with Consistent Cleaning

Prioritizing student safety is more important than ever. We understand that unclean schools lead to illness among students and create stress for school administrators. This is why consistent cleaning practices are essential throughout the year to protect them adequately.
With students and teachers back in the classrooms after a rejuvenating summer break, there’s a fresh dedication to preserving a clean and health-oriented school environment. The proximity of students to one another and the frequency of shared surfaces in schools make it crucial to prevent the spread of infectious germs. It’s important to remember the golden rule that what gets touched, will get contaminated.
Prioritizing Student Safety
It’s imperative that schools prioritize regular cleaning and disinfection protocols in order to reduce the risk of spreading germs and diseases. When students fall ill, they not only suffer but also become contagious, forcing them to stay home, disrupting their learning, and creating challenges for parents.
Classrooms: Per the ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association), approximately 22 million school days are lost each year due to the common cold, while influenza causes a loss of 38 million school days. Classrooms serve as breeding grounds for bacteria and germs, necessitating regular cleaning and disinfection. Implementing a rotating cleaning and disinfection routine for frequently touched surfaces, often referred to as “hotspots” such as doorknobs, desks, chairs, lunch trays, light switches, handles, and shared equipment, effectively curbs the transmission of diseases.
Restrooms: Restrooms are a prime nurturing environment for germs and bacteria, particularly on surfaces like toilet seats, door handles, and sinks. In fact, restroom faucet handles and toilet flush handles are major germ spreaders. Are you aware that pathogenic E. coli can survive and thrive in places like bathroom sinks and drains? Accumulated water provides an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria such as E. Coli and Staph. Regular cleaning and disinfection of bathrooms, drains, and surrounding surfaces are vital to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.
Hallways, Lockers, Water Fountains: Students moving through hallways and touching lockers and walls also need attention. Because not all students adhere to proper hygiene practices, it often leads to the buildup of dirt, germs, and unwanted odors. Water spigots should also not be neglected, as these hold millions of bacteria per square inch.
Floors, Carpets, Upholstery: The school floors and any carpets require thorough care. If not cleaned regularly, carpets and upholstery accumulate dust, dirt, and various contaminants, resulting in a buildup over time. These materials become havens for bacteria and mold spores and release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) when disturbed. This can cause asthma, allergies, and other health issues. iNX technicians use advanced hot water extraction processes to sanitize carpets, as hot water loosens stubborn particles and kills germs and bacteria.
Every student deserves a quality education. Enhance the educational journey with trusted, expert commercial cleaning services to create a healthier learning environment in your school.
Choose iNX Commercial Cleaning Solutions to ensure a clean and safe environment for your students and staff. Get in touch with us today!

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